Terms and conditions
Once ‘Extreme Event Ireland’ confirms your booking, a contract is made between ‘ Extreme Event Ireland ‘ and you upon the terms and conditions set out below. ‘Extreme Event Ireland ‘ hereinafter referred to as ‘we’, will only confirm your booking once we have received full payment for your tour.
1. Booking
Once full payment is made you will be allocated a place/places on the particular sightseeing tours and a confirmation emailed to you. This is your confirmation of booking. This should be printed and saved for own reference.
Once you begin you tour, you accept and abide by these terms and conditions.
We accept no responsibility for incorrect email or inability to deliver email. If your confirmation does not arrive on time or at all, then you must ask us to resend the email confirmation of the tours you have paid for.
All internet bookings will be confirmed by email.
We reserve the right to sell any places reserved without full payment or a deposit.
It is the responsibility of the passenger to check the accuracy of dates booked upon receipt of their travel documents.
Any internet bookings made after 9:30pm for the following morning can not be guaranteed by Extreme Ireland Event Ltd
2. Insurance
There is no travel insurance cover included in the price of the ticket.
We take no responsibility for any injuries or loss to you incurred whilst you are taking part in any optional activities that are outside our all inclusive package. We strongly recommend that you take out comprehensive insurance cover for cancellation, medical expenses, personal accident, personal baggage, money and public liability before you travel. You may not be accepted as an ‘ Extreme Event Ireland ‘ passenger unless you have arranged satisfactory insurance. We accept no responsibility for the theft, loss or damage to personal belongings from at any time during the duration of your tour.
3. Cancellation
In the event of a cancellation, we require 24 hours notice for a full refund. If the ticket is canceled within 24 hours, the ticket can be transferred to another tour or for another day.
If you are travelling on our day tours and have booked via our websites; www.cliffsofmohertours.ie; www.giantscausewaytours.ie; www.irishdaytours.ie, www.daytours.ie; all terms and conditions are the same and if you are late for the bus in the morning or are a no-show, you will be fully charged for the tour that you have booked as we have reserved a seat or seats for you.
We need a minimum number of 8 to operate a tour. We give until 3pm the day prior to the tour to reach this number and will then contact customers with details of cancellation. Both parties and in particular the place where the accommodation provider is located as well as our country of origin and other unforeseeable causes beyond our control.
4. Changes by us
We reserve the right to change our typical itineraries at any time and at our discretion. As professionals, we will endeavor to avoid this and if this is necessary, we will substitute alternative arrangements of comparable monetary value.
We reserve the right to alter our itinerary in the event of happenings outside the control of Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. This includes out/leaks of ‘foot and mouth’ or other contagious diseases, revolution, national or local strikes and/or protests, social disorder, political unrest.
We are constantly striving to make our tours even more brilliant than they are perceived by many to be, therefore should attractions open or become open to us, that we feel will enhance your experience of our beloved motherland then we reserve the right to include these in your best interests.
We reserve the right to decrease the price of our tours at any time.
We reserve the right to launch amended /brochures in the public domain at any time.
We reserve the right to cancel a tour if we have insufficient numbers to operate said tour (minimum 6 people )
5. Travelling
You must obey the laws of the Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom of Great /Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Union, whilst travelling on our Southern and Northern routes. We would ask you to show respect to the many diverse customs that exist in Ireland and also foreign exchange restrictions. If you do not do so, you may be asked to surrender your ticket, which may be cancelled without any refund. It is our representative who will decide to cancel your pass or not and their decision will be final.
Your appointed Extreme Event Ireland Tour Guide may need to make a decision in the interests of safety. It is a condition of bookings that you comply with the authority and decisions of the appointed representative of Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. If you do not comply with the said representative and are not compatible with the general enjoyment and well being of members of the tour, we reserve the right to refuse to allow you to continue the tour. In such a case we will not be liable for any refund, compensation or any additional costs incurred by you. We cannot accept liability for the behavior of others on your tour nor if any facilities are curtailed as a result of their actions.
It is your responsibility to meet your tour at arranged points. Because of the nature of the service, Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. will not be liable if any service leaves or arrives later than its specified time, even if as a result you miss a connecting service. Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. will endeavor to ensure that departure and arrival times are met.
6. Your obligations and responsibilities
You must inform us in writing of any medical condition that’s requires attention or medication before your tour commences.
It is your responsibility to have all necessary visas, passports, permits and certificates required for your selected itinerary as well as any necessary vaccinations and to comply with all applicable laws.
During your tour your tour guide may take photographs and films of you (as part of a group) while you are a passenger and these may be used in our Group /brochures and/or advertising and publicity material without obtaining any further consent or payment in respect of such photographs and/or films.
When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by you. Full payment for any such damage or loss must be paid at the time direct to the accommodation owner or manager or other supplier. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims (including legal costs) subsequently made against us as a result of your actions.
You are obliged to respect the right of residents living close to any stops made while on tour.
7. Complaints
In the highly unlikely event that you may wish to make a formal complaint against Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. Please inform the Extreme Event Ireland Driver /Representative at the time. If the matter cannot be resolved immediately or during your trip after the Driver/ Representative’s best endeavors to do so, your complaint should be made in writing to Extreme Event Ireland as soon as is reasonably possible after the tour, but within 30 days thereof so that your complaint can be investigated. Extreme Event Ireland Tours will not consider any claims after the 30-day period. You will be assured of respect and courtesy whilst your complaint is being dealt with.
8. Force Majeure
We will not be liable for any changes, cancellation, effect on your booking, loss or damage suffered by you or for any failure by your accommodation provider and/or us to perform or properly perform any of our respective obligations to you if the failure to perform or the improper performance is due to any event(s) or circumstance(s) caused by force majeure. By way of example force majeure includes, but is not limited to, war, revolution, terrorist act, closure of borders, epidemic, pandemic, natural catastrophe or other causes that seriously affect travel or operations.
9. Weather Conditions
Under no circumstances can we be held responsible for weather conditions. No ticket can be cancelled or amended by you at any time on the basis of weather conditions. We accept no responsibility for weather conditions that may affect the delivery and implementation of our itinerary.
9. No Smoking Policy
We do not permit smoking on any of our vehicles.
10. General
The booking conditions detailed herein contain the entire contract between you and Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. No representation, term, warranty or condition can be expressed or implied by reference to any other writing, advertisement or conversation. This contract may only be varied in writing by a duly authorized officer of Extreme Event Ireland Ltd.
This contract and all matters arising out of it are governed by Irish law. We both agree that any dispute, claim or other matter which arises out of or in connection with this contract or your holiday will be dealt with by the Courts of the Republic of Ireland only. Changes to these Booking Conditions will only be valid if agreed by Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. in writing.
Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of our brochures and other printed material at time of going to print, however, Extreme Event Ireland Ltd. cannot be held responsible for printing and typographical errors, or changes in the itinerary arising from unforeseen circumstances after the material has gone to print.